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Restorative Yoga Sequence for Women

Hello everyone, it’s Lisa here! In this unique restorative session, we’ll concentrate on poses you can easily practice at home. Not only can this routine be beneficial for a healthier lifestyle, but also contributes to alleviating cramps and PMS, and it also offers solace and support right in your own space. 

You don’t need any fancy props; a towel or blanket and some pillows will do just fine. Let’s get started!

Click here to go directly to the video tutorial for women with pillows

1. Comfortable Seat

  • Sit cross-legged, ensuring ample space, and sit tall while looping your shoulders.
  • Close or soften your eyes, settling into your position on the mat.
  • Focus on grounding your legs, lifting your heart, and stretching your neck with controlled breaths.
  • Turn palms upwards and gently rock your head side-to-side, then stretch each side by tilting your ears toward respective shoulders.
  • Return to center, flex your spine by lifting your heart and exhaling as you round your back, repeating for gentle movement.
  • Finish by centering yourself, setting an intention, and transitioning to all fours after a deep breath.

2. Cat-Cow

  • Inhale and lift your heart, looping your shoulders forward
  • Exhale and curl your tailbone under, pressing up and out of the palms
  • Continue moving with your breath, finding organic movement and connecting with your feminine side
  • Come back to the tabletop position


3. Child’s Pose

  • Bring your pillows in front of you and widen your knees as wide as the mat
  • Walk your fingertips forward and come onto the tops of your feet, sending your sit bones back
  • Rock gently in this supported extended child’s pose, finding comfort and release
  • If you have more space in your hips, you can come onto your pillow, turning onto one side
  • Take five deep breaths, pressing into the palms and lifting your head up on an inhale, and turning to the opposite side on an exhale
  • Press into the palms and use them to walk your way back up
  • Take a moment to check in with your body and breath


4. Hero Pose

  • Come into hero pose by sitting up tall, either on your toes or on the tops of your feet
  • If the hero pose is not suitable for you, you can use a block between your ankles or come onto the tops of your feet and sit down, keeping your knees wide
  • If you’re in hero pose, sit up tall and lift your heart, grounding down through the tops of your thighs
  • If you’re using a block or sitting on the tops of your feet, find a comfortable position and lift your heart
  • Take a few breaths, find support, and open up the front body

5. Supported Paschimottanasana

  • Extend your legs out in front of you and lift your hips up on your blanket or towel for extra support
  • Bring your pillows in and draw your left heel in towards the center line
  • Sit up tall and guide your rib cage over towards the right side
  • Ground down through the top of your left thigh and find support with your pillows
  • Inhale and lift your heart, then exhale and crawl forward, finding a comfortable variation
  • Take a few breaths, breathing into the back body and softening the groin
  • Use your pillows to support the outer edges of your legs
  • Slowly roll up, head over heart, heart over pelvis


6. Supported Head-to-Knee Pose

  • Take your right heel in towards the center line and sit up tall
  • Use your pillows to support your head and neck
  • Find a position that feels comfortable and supported, and fold forward
  • Take a few breaths, breathing into the back body and releasing tension
  • Repeat on the other side
  • Slowly roll up, head over heart, heart over pelvis

7. Supported Supta Baddha Konasana

  • Roll up your blanket or towel and sit up against it
  • Draw the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall out to the sides
  • Use your pillows to support your head, neck, and outer edges of your legs
  • Find a comfortable and supported position and relax

8. Supported Twist

  • Press your palms down and draw your knees into your chest
  • Rock a little side to side, and then inhale and reach your fingertips up over your head
  • Exhale and twist your knees towards one side, allowing them to rest on your pillow
  • Take a few breaths, breathing into the lower belly
  • Repeat on the other side

9. Shavasana

  • Slide your legs out long and set up your comfortable restorative tent
  • Widen your legs and relax your shoulders
  • Use a rolled-up blanket or pillow under the backs of your knees for extra support
  • Let go of any tension and soften through the toes and ankles
  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to fully relax
  • Stay in Shavasana for as long as you like, enjoying the benefits of your restorative practice

Remember, restorative yoga is all about finding comfort and support in your practice. Listen to your body and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that you feel fully supported and relaxed. Enjoy this time for yourself and the opportunity to find relief and ease in both your body and mind.


VIDEO tutorial: Yoga For Women – Yoga With Adriene

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